About Me

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Vivek Sharma

Social Entrepreneur

About Me

Vivek Sharma is a Social Entrepreneur and has been instrumental in making our society a better place through his work. He and his wife Sweta run an NGO named after their son "Amogh". Mickey-Amogh Foundation works for healthcare awareness & access, child education, and woman empowerment. Currently, they run Divine Relations - A unique online matrimonial platform for patients with chronic illnesses and survivors of critical diseases, Grow & Give - A movement to help women with cancer by donating a WIG during their chemo days, Uhapo - A unique online platform to help patients with critical diseases by providing them an entire ecosystem and Now, through a book "God Is Not Fair" which addresses the issue of 'suicide in youth' in India and motivates people to choose life over undesired outcomes in stress or depression, they want to prevent suicide in youth.

Divine relations :

Divine Relations is a platform developed to help patients with critical diseases/ survivors get connected to the people who also suffered from some kind of critical disease but have a vision and enthusiasm of living better life and looking for a life partner.

Grow & Give:

Hair loss is a common and usually temporary side effect of cancer chemotherapy and starts 1 to 4 weeks after starting chemotherapy. The amount of hair loss can range from hair thinning to complete baldness. We support women with cancer, already overburdened with treatment pain and cost, regain their self-esteem by giving them a free hair wig.

God Is Not Fair?

GINF? is an initiative to prevent depression and suicide amongst youth through a book with powerful real life story telling and a podcast channel that is listened by more than 4 lakhs youth in India and abroad.

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